Want to help your local small businesses? With CornerMarket's Agent Program you can!
CornerMarket is a Web3 app, which helps you support your favorite community businesses & make money at the same time.
Check out the benefits:
Help small businesses overcome common pain points like high transaction fees and limited exposure to new customers.
Earn 1% of all future transactions made through the platform!
Help create a more vibrant and diverse local economy.
Earn bonus rewards with a fun-to-use incentive structure.
Be part of the solution and help small businesses and individuals thrive, all while putting money in your pocket - join the CornerMarket agent program today by signing up for a training below!
These kids onboarded themselves.
It’s really that easy.
Join Our Next Agent Training
Take the first step and start supporting your local businesses and earning passive income! Even more exciting? The CornerMarket Agent Program helps you establish yourself as a pioneering advocate for crypto in-real-life.
CornerMarket Agent Online Training
For additional information about our agent program please follow us on social media.